Brief Introduction to the Spring Breeze and Balmy Sun Forum
春風煦日論壇為許玉秀教授和她的學生們於1997年在國立政治大學創立,以出版許玉秀教授論文集和專論所得,支持鼓勵學術創作,讓優秀的刑事法學作品有發表出版的園地。1997至2000年出版7本書,序號從第0號至第6號。2002年開始,分成三個出版系列,專題論著序號為7、教學叢書序號為8、論文集序號為9,並於2002年11月出版第一本專題論著「對應原理與錯誤理論」,2003年4月出版第一本論文集「刑事法之基礎與界限-洪福增教授紀念專輯」。2005年11月論壇成立「公益信託春風煦日學術基金」,設立基金的目的在於協助相關學校、學術單位、研究團體或個人從事法律之學術研究、論文之發表或著作出版,不限於刑事法領域,但以刑事法為優先。基金成立後,至今出版五本書,依序為:論文集9-2《不移不惑獻身法與正義—許迺曼教授刑事法論文選輯 賀 許迺曼教授六秩壽辰》,專題論著7-2《不自證己罪原則》,論文集9-3《透明的法袍-大法官解釋意見書(2003.10. - 2007.09.)》,人權叢書系列10-1《論正當法律程序原則》,以及論著7-3《法益理論的憲法基礎》。
The Spring Breeze and Balmy Sun Forum was established in 1997 to publish a series of criminal law books. Its first aim was to support the publication of outstanding dissertations in criminal law by the funds acquired from publishing Professor Yü-hsiu Hsü’s criminal law anthologies and monographs. The Forum published seven books, from Volume 0 through Volume 6, before the year 2000. Starting in 2002, this Forum developed a new system for its publication. Volume 7 is exclusively for monographs, Volume 8 for textbooks, and Volume 9 for anthologies. The Volume 7-1 “Congruence and Mistakes” was published in November 2002, The Volume 9-1 “Foundations and Limits of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure – An Anthology in Memory of Professor Fu-Tseng Hung” was published in April 2003. In November 2005, the funds were put into trust to establish the Spring Breeze and Balmy Sun Charitable Trust. The purpose of the Trust is to give assistance to relevant schools, academic institutions, research organizations or individuals to the study of law, the publication of dissertations or books not limited to but giving priority to the scope of criminal law. The new Trust has published five books, which in sequence are: Volume 9-2 “Unbestechlich und unbeirrbar im Dienst von Recht und Gerechtigkeit - Abhandlungen zur gesamten Strafrechtswissenschaft von BERND SCHÜNEMANN, zu seinem 60. Geburtstag”, Volume 7-2 “nemo tenetur”, Volume 9-3 “The Transparent Justice - Opinions to the Constitutional Decisions (2003.10 -2007.09)”, Volume 10-1 “The Principle of “Due process of law”, and this monograph: Volume 7-3 “Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Rechtsgutstheorie” (The Constitutional Basis of the Legal Goods Protected by Criminal Law).